
Archives for December 2011

Add some FIRE to your New Year’s Resolution!

For the remainder of December 2011 we will be collecting New Year’s Resolutions.  Handwrite your resolution at the studio or email it to [email protected].

Then join us New Year’s Day, 1/1/12, 2pm at the fire-pits at the Crow’s Nest Beach in Santa Cruz, CA for Morning Crane’s first annual NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION BURN.  We will leave from Morning Crane at 1pm, or you can meet us there.   This is a complementary event.  Please bring a few blocks of wood to add to the fire.  Children welcome!

GOAL: Holiday weight maintain, no-gain!

Tips to Holiday weight maintain, no-gain!

Eat pungent foods: According to Traditional Chinese Median during the winter months  people should eat pungent foods such as: garlic, onions, leeks, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, ginger, etc.  These foods help support the lungs natural ability to prevent pathogens from invading the body.   As a rule of thumb, eat fruits and veggies that are in season.  To learn how to eat accordingly to your constitutional typology as well as what should be eaten this time of year.  Schedule an appointment with Christopher Shelton today!

 Avoid Temptations: Avoid bringing holiday goodies such as baked goods and candy to the office. This will only tempt you and make you very likely to consume your own treats. Resist grabbing a plate and getting a portion of treats at office parties. Evade temptation by putting a new piece of sugar free gum in your mouth as others begin to eat the holiday sweets.

Eat Before:
Eat healthy before you go to any holiday parties. Consume a filling healthy snack before the party to help resist the urge to overeat when you get there. Eat a cup of fruit or a handful of almonds shortly prior to arriving at the party.
Increase Your Calorie Burn: Balance your increase in food consumption with exercise, which burns calories.  Increase the amount you exercise so you will be less likely to experience weight gain if you indulge in a holiday treat OCCASIONALLY. Add an additional day to your exercise routine or spend 10 more minutes a day engaged in aerobic activity.  Come take a Cardio Kicking Boxing or Fit & Firm @ MCHAC!
Don’t Hover: We’re all guilty of this…Make a plate then walk away.  Stay away from the food area as much as possible at parties and gatherings. Avoid hovering in the kitchen or over the buffet area. The inability to constantly access food will make you less likely to overeat. Instead, spend your time socializing and engaging in conversations with people in rooms that do not contain food.